After my birthday party reminiscences last time I thought I'd continue the childrens food theme with my nominations for...
... the top 5 best biscuits when I was little.
And I'm not including anthing that was wrapped... so Penguins, Wagon Wheels etc will be in a completely separate list.
And no... a Jaffa Cake is not a biscuit in my book!
OK, and in no particular order (I've always wanted to say that!)...
Jammy Dodgers

Iced Gems/Midget Gems: I admit these weren't my favourite but they seemed a staple for little girls' dolls' tea parties... at least if my sister was anything to go by. So, for Jane, I've included them here!

Party Rings... mmm... either lick the icing off the top (when no-one was looking) or just suck it and let the icing dissolve on your tongue. The big question is... did the difference colours have different tastes?

The pattern on the icing reminded me a bit of bakewell tart...
... mmm bakewell tart (said in a Homer Simpson voice... dribbling!)

There was only one way to eat these...
1) Take top piece of biscuit off and eat it slowly
2) Eat the chocolate cream in the middle of the sandwich, scraping it off in sections with 2 front teeth and then letting it melt on your tongue.
3) Eat bottom piece of biscuit less slowly than 1) in anticipation of the next bourbon (if there were any left on the plate)
4) Rinse and repeat.
Happy Faces

I know... technically they are a lot like Jammy Dodgers but if truth be told I'd forgotten all about Happy Faces and when I saw them again (while researching all this) I just had to include them.
Plus in latter years Jammy Dodgers went a bit pear-shaped in my personal opinion in that they replaced the round jammy hole in the middle with a heart... and us little boys didn't like mushy things like hearts back then... so Happy Faces gave a fun biscuit/jam/creamy bit combo but without the lovey-dovey bit!
Honorouble mentions:
Nice Biscuits: always a good, safe backup if none of the biscuits above were on offer. Crispy and coconutty... and you could eat loads because they were so thin!
Lemon Puffs: another that I had totally forgotten until this morning. I bet you had too. Remember these?

And the good news is that you can still get them all! (though the happy faces might only come in one of those selection box jobbies these days)
Have I missed out anything which should have been in the top 5?
Next time... my top 5 biscuit wall of shame (any nominations?)
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